Mon-Fri: 09:00 - 18:00



Call Us: +1 754 444 7483

Who We Are?

At Amadeu Holding Group, we are trusted advisors helping organizations navigate change and drive sustainable growth. We have engaged with clients ranging from multinationals to non-profit organizations to help them capitalize on new opportunities and overcome strategic challenges.

Founded in 2021, we have served multiple organizations in sectors such as technology, financial services, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, retail and more. Our team brings deep experience in management consulting, organizational strategy, digital transformation, customer experience, mergers and acquisitions, sustainability and more.

What sets us apart is our nuanced understanding of each client’s unique operating landscape, whether market forces, competitive pressures, regulatory issues or technological disruptions. We combine analytical rigor with practical business acumen to translate strategic insights into transformative yet actionable plans.

Our collaborative approach focuses on empowering our clients by transferring capabilities to identify problems, generate solutions and mobilize organizational change decade after decade. We forge long-term partnerships by becoming trusted allies dedicated to serving as an impartial sounding board.

At Amadeu HG, we don’t just advise clients: we enable them to continually self-diagnose and position themselves for success in a volatile world. Our passion is partnering with clients to create lasting impact, one organization at a time.

What we do

Our Mission:

Our mission is to help organizations securely embrace digital transformation for business growth and impact.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to be the leading strategic partner that helps organizations securely embrace digital transformation.

Our principles:

Take an integrated approach: We go beyond isolated technology consulting to offer interconnected solutions in cybersecurity, networks, software solutions and business strategy.

Commit to innovation: We continually educate ourselves on cutting-edge technologies and innovations that drive secure digital transformation.

Building lasting partnerships: We develop long-term, trusted relationships with our clients through our transparency, technical expertise, commitment to results and customer focus.

Drive business value: We implement not only world-class solutions, but also solutions tailored to each organization that help unlock innovation, efficiency, resilience and growth.

Generate global social impact: We help promote safe digital adoption that drives economic empowerment and improves quality of life in all markets.

By combining our leading consulting expertise with the latest technologies and maintaining strong partnerships and ethics, we strive to be the enablers of choice for digital innovation globally.

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